Surron EBike Commercial

Filmed and edited by Dennis Vakulyuk

Music: Reykjavik by Infraction

Project Description

This is a 90 second video commercial of an ebike. The main purpose of this video is to show what the bike is like in the real world, there are some graphics to explain a few of the specifications of the bike, and videos to compliment the graphics.

The Process

The goal of this video was to create a video that shows the adventure and excitement of the ebike. First, I wrote out a script of all the shots I was planning to film, I filmed all the footage at sunset. I got the intro and roller shots with a camera and gimbal, and a few drone shots. I wanted some interesting angles so I attached a GoPro to the back of the bike and got a few clips of the bike speeding and off-roading. I wanted to keep the sounds of the ebike in the video, but most of my clips had a lot of wind noise, so I got all the sounds separately and synced them up in post.

In the editing phase, I had all the footage laid out in order and color graded. Then I created all the graphics in after effects and 3D tracked some of them. The shot of the bike booting up was not as satisficing for me at first, so I zoomed in for those three shots and add some sound effects. I also added a few more sound effects throughout the video to give it a bit of that epic adventure feeling with the nature sound and wind. This was my process on the video.